Monday, January 3, 2011

Totally Derailed

Hello Reader,

Sorry I fell off the track- literally. Last I blogged, I was adamant about eliminating fast food from my life, thus starting a short lived blog. Shortly thereafter my husband and I had to move from our condo because we could no longer afford it and returned back to a house rental that we previously lived in, this time with room mates. The next few months of chaos broke my fast but not my determination to change my eating habits.

I started the hardest and worst job I ever had, taking away all personal free time I had through the end of the year- almost ruining the holidays. The only thing that kept me sane, besides my supportive family- was dark, fair-trade chocolate. Thank God for chocolate! It staved off  my cravings of wanting to relapse as a smoker, full of good anti-oxidants and yummy cocoa. And I was such a good girl, only having a small square a day where most folks would eat an entire candy bar. But yes, none the less I resorted back to my old ways. And without going to the gym since August due to money, I have gained two pounds for every month I do not go. Yikes!!!!

I aim to continue to exercise when the weather starts to warm since I am fortunate to have a park right next to my home. But my main new goals- aside from getting a new job, and kick starting my company in the pants, is to try a new diet plan that was introduced to me by a good friend of mine. So I am blogging again, yay!

It's a little risky I suppose. I did the Point System thing for a while but unfortunately it allowed me to cheat by just adding fiber to everything or eat their brand name line of junk food. But even still, it helped me go from a size 20 to a size 16 in just half a year. After that, the gym and common sense dieting (no soda, no salt, no junk) helped me  go down to a size 12. Since my regression backwards, I have bounced back up to a size 14. I would like ideally to be a size 8 since I'm 5'9" in my logic that seems healthy Body Mass Index but since I'm not a nutritionist, I cannot be certain. I cannot remember the last time I was a size 8...middle school perhaps? But either way, that is my goal.

The plan that my friend introduced seems easy enough, a newer protein based diet that emphasizes eliminating sugars. I don't know if I can point out the name directly but I can say that it has sandals and sand as it's logo. The diet makes sense and seems to work. My friend lost over 25 lbs. right before my very eyes. It intrigues me since I took a nutrition class (albeit that I had to drop and didn't complete) but I learned enough to see that cutting sugar, fast food, heavy sodium and oils from your diet will make you loose some pounds. I am not ready at this point to start such an aggressive plan since I am still recovering from the devastating stress of my last job, but in the next few weeks I would like to give it a go and blog about my experience here.


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