Friday, April 22, 2011

Still got a ways to go...

Just got back from vacation and I was a naughty naughty girl.

One word: beignets.

But not only were these fried treasures ruining to my diet but there were other issues as well. Tasty bits of bread and sweet drinks. Boardwalk food and anything that would soothe my throat since I was sick on the trip, this included french fries. I saw from my pictures that I still have a few more pounds to shed, which made my indulgences all the more guilty. Tonight we're probably having pizza, for lack of anything else in the house to eat...pretty soon I will have a ton of running to do to make up for it. But I don't mind since I am still loosing weight and my size 12's do not fit anymore.

Ahhh, but I will miss the vacation, it was amazing.

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