Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hitting my BMI and being naughty.

So as I said before, I've hit my BMI which makes me happy. My friend took a picture of me yesterday and my tummy wasn't showing!!!! That is a life time first, a entire LIFETIME. Amazing.

We went hiking but unfortunately I didn't have hiking boots. The other girls didn't either but either skater shoes are disastrous on rocks or I'm just naturally clutzy, (which I think the latter) but I slipped and fell HARD on my knee and wrist. My right arm was pretty tweeked out last night and  my knee has a sharp pain when I was today but nothing too dire. Both my knees ache which tells me I was pretty hard core yesterday, leading the group since I was familiar with the area and it was their first time, for a cosplay photoshoot. I carried my heavy SLR camera and a watercolor pad up the mountain and I didn't even paint. So the extra weight did me good.

It made up for Sunday when we indulged in fast food, oh noes!!!! Yeah, if I hadn't learned my lesson....stupid me. I've been eating so well and then took in more sugar and oil than I had had in months, my stomach hurt really badly all the way until the next morning. I don't plan to repeat that again, ever.

So even though I've hit my BMI, I hope to loose another 10 lbs, and if I keep as active as I was yesterday, I may be wearing a two piece by summer if I'm lucky. Looks like it's time to start posting some before and after pix when I can.

I'll keep workin hard. : )

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